Welcome to our podcast page for Locked up with History!
My name is Deb Robinson and this podcast is associated with the Geelong Gaol Musuem and Twisted History where I have been manager for quite a few years now!
For years, I have been collecting research documents whether it was for a new tour script, a new location, a new guide character or something completely different – usually something we have found while researching something else entirely!
Over the years I have completed a number of media interviews, radio interviews and the odd TV spot talking about our locations and the history behind our tours.
I have been asked a number of times about whether I have written a book on some of the stories that I tell whether its the Geelong Gaol, her history and her ghosts, some of her prisoners, a murder story we have come across through the daily blog posts we wrote a few years ago.
The short answer is no! But this is my response instead! An avenue to get the stories, the history and the WTF moments that are rattling around in my head out in a way for you, the public, to enjoy – I hope! Plus it is a little hard to get my passion for the stories across in words on a page!
As you may guess from a couple of the topics above, we tend to research the darker side of history. The stories that are not always wrapped up in nice little stories. We do tell these stories with the utmost respect, as we understand these were once real people – peoples husbands, wives or children.
The first podcast is due to be released in the next week and then fortnightly afterwards. We have set up a Facebook group called Locked up with History where we can discuss the latest episodes and you can ask me any questions you may have.
Until then, see you on the darker side of history!