Criminal Outsider Events

It’s been a while!

But I have been rather busy and thought I would quickly pop on here and update what has been happening. And more excitingly what is coming up!

As many of you may now I have been working with prolific True Crime Author Roy Maloy at his Criminal Outsider Events and the Fitzroy Vendetta Walking Tour.

It has been a busy few months!  Madam Murder has made a comeback for these events as well!

We still have a couple of Criminal Outsider Events here in Melbourne at the Charles Dickens Tavern in Melbourne on January 31st at 6pm and the Great Northern Hotel in Carlton on February 1st.

After a successful weekend of Fitzroy Vendetta tours in January – one where it was pretty hot and the next day when we got drenched! Poor Madam Murder’s hat was decidely limp!  Check out Tik Tok or Facebook for the posts on those! There may be more tours coming up later in the year.

At the end of February, we are heading to Adelaide where Criminal Outsider will be part of the Adelaide Fringe Festival! There are 9 chances to catch these performances so if you are in Adelaide, get in and get your tickets.

The events cover those people who are not considered the regular criminals – women, disabled people, people of other races, or sexual orientation.  You can also ask any of those burning questions that you have always wanted to ask!!

So if you are free, jump onto Roy’s Facebook Page which has all the link to purchase tickets at

Madam Murder looks forward to meeting some of you in the near future!